Dr. rer. nat. Chengji Piao
Sigrist Group – Genetics
Institute of Biology
Room 2nd floor
14195 Berlin
- Phosphorylation of active zone proteins steering cognitive aging
- Mitochondrial changing upon aging in PKA mutants
Piao C, Liu T, Ma L, Ding X, Wang X, Chen X, Duan Y, Sui N, Liang J (2017):
Alterations in brain activation in response to prolonged morphine withdrawal-induced behavioral inflexibility in rats
Psychopharmacology (Berl) 234(19):2941-53
View abstract at Pubmed
Piao C, Deng X, Wang X, Yuan Y, Liu Z, Liang J (2017):
Altered function in medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens links to stress-induced behavioral inflexibility
Behavioural Brain Research 317:16-26
View abstract at Pubmed
Fu J, Xing X, Han M, Xu N, Piao C, Zhang Y, Zheng X (2016):
Region-specific roles of the prelimbic cortex, the dorsal CA1, the ventral DG and ventral CA1 of the hippocampus in the fear return evoked by a sub-conditioning procedure in rats
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 128:80-91
View abstract at Pubmed
Ding X, Qiao Y, Piao C, Zheng X, Liu Z, Liang J (2014):
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-mediated glutamate transmission in nucleus accumbens plays a more important role than that in dorsal striatum in cognitive flexibility
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8:304
View abstract at Pubmed